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Lachend Student

Pain relief for students

Sign up for the Pain Club and go through the Pain-Changer program focused on pain relief for free over six months (normally €400). Take back control and make your student experience even more enjoyable.

Pain-Changer - Expertise in Pijnmanagement en Medicatiebeheer

Ins & Outs

Discover more about Pain-Changer, the establishment of the Pain Club for students, and the specific activities we undertake in the program to alleviate chronic pain.

Pain-Changer - Expertise in Pijnmanagement en Medicatiebeheer

In de Media

Kom meer te weten over het Pijn Cluppie aan de hand van de volgende interviews

We assist anyone looking to address their pain

Pain-Changer is ready to assist individuals dealing with various forms of persistent pain, including back pain, neck pain, knee pain, as well as conditions like migraine, fibromyalgia, RSI, and other forms of chronic pain.

Our Contextual Healing approach focuses on the role of the brain in persistent pain. This means we are here to support everyone, regardless of their background, past treatments, or the specific pain they are experiencing.

Promising results

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After a successful pilot, a new Pain Club for students will start again next school year.

Rosanne (Nerve Pain & Shoulder Pain, 20 years old)

"Before starting the Pain-Changer program, I went through many other pain management programs, unfortunately all without effect. Thanks to Pain-Changer, I have gained much more knowledge about pain and have greater confidence in my body's ability to reduce it. Overall, I found the experience very positive and appreciated being able to share and hear experiences from other people with pain."

Pain-Changer - Expertise in Pijnmanagement en Medicatiebeheer

Do you meet the following criteria?
Then you are more than welcome!


You are enrolled as a student, regardless of the program you are pursuing, at an MBO, HBO, or university in the Netherlands.

Chronic Pain

You live with chronic pain that has lasted for more than 3 months. We do not distinguish between types of pain or duration; everyone is welcome.


You are motivated to actively work on your pain through professional workbooks, group meetings, and homework assignments.


You can attend a monthly meeting at HvA on Monday afternoons for a 1.5-hour session. These meetings are an essential part of our program.


You are willing to share your experiences with other students. Sharing your story and learning from others can be a powerful way to make progress together.

Pain-Changer - Expertise in Pijnmanagement en Medicatiebeheer

Start Dates and Group Allocation

In January 2025, we will start three Pain Clubs, each at a different time on the first Monday of the month. We aim for 8 students per group. Depending on the number of registrations, we can form fewer or more groups and adjust the dates and times to match the preferences of the participants. Our preferred day is the first Monday of the month, but we can deviate from this.

Make sure to register before November 1, 2024, so there is enough time for the intake and group allocation. This can be done further down this page.

Are you too late for this academic year? No worries! In the 2025/2026 academic year, new Pain Clubs will start again. You can already put yourself on the waiting list for the next school year further down this page.


Sign up

Dank voor je aanmelding!


Overige resultaten


Overall Rating


Recommendation to Other Students


Feeling More Connected with Fellow Students


Meer gemotiveerd voor studie

Rosanne (21, Nerve Pain)

"The meetings with other people, where you can openly talk about pain without feeling sorry for yourself, have helped me reflect on my own coping mechanisms. I learned new strategies without using extra medication."

Marit (21, Migraine)

"At each meeting, we did a quick check on how everyone was doing, and I felt that everyone felt very safe in the group. The feeling of being heard and knowing that you are not alone is very comforting."

Mirre (20, Ankle Pain)

"For me, the second and third sessions were especially valuable, where we discussed the hormones involved in pain and how to view things positively to positively influence your brain."

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