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Ervaart u aanhoudende pijn en wilt u de controle terugpakken? Ontdek de mogelijkheden van ons online coachingstraject voor pijnmedicatie, begeleid door onze ervaren coaches bij Pain-Changer. Meld u vrijblijvend aan en werk samen met onze experts aan effectievere pijnmedicatie, zodat u de regie weer in handen krijgt daar waar u deze wellicht hebt laten varen.

Online Medication Coaching

Experience less pain through more effective pain medication? Sign up for our online coaching program for pain medication without any obligation and regain control where you may have lost it.

We assist everyone taking pain medication for (persistent) pain.

Pain-Changer is ready to assist individuals dealing with various forms of persistent pain, including back pain, neck pain, knee pain, as well as migraine, fibromyalgia, RSI, and other forms of chronic pain.


Our Contextual Healing approach focuses on the human aspect of pain and pain medication. This means that we are here to support everyone, regardless of their background, the type of pain medication they use, and the pain they are experiencing.

Ontdek innovatieve manieren om hersenactiviteit te meten en verbeter de effectiviteit van pijnmedicatie. Onze afbeelding illustreert hoe we bij Pain-Changer gebruikmaken van geavanceerde methoden om inzicht te krijgen in hersenprocessen, zodat we de behandeling van aanhoudende pijn verder kunnen optimaliseren.
"Bekijk hier hoe we bij Pain-Changer het effect van pijnmedicatie vergroten door het contextual healing component toe te passen. Ontdek hoe we innovatieve benaderingen gebruiken om de impact van pijnmedicatie te verbeteren en de behandeling van aanhoudende pijn te optimaliseren."
Contextual Healing

This is how we make pain medication more effective.

To enhance the efficacy of a medication, many believe that we rely on pharmaceutical companies. It is true that pharmaceutical companies can create stronger medications by using new, more potent ingredients.


However, there is also a less known avenue to increase the effectiveness of pain medication. This can be achieved by amplifying the Contextual Healing element of pain medication (see the right bar chart), thereby enhancing the overall effect. You could say that the medication receives an additional upgrade. And the beauty of it is: this approach comes without risks, such as unwanted side effects.

Get more pain relief through your medication ritual.

In the medication program, we expand the ritual of taking pain medication with evidence-based interventions that provide additional pain relief beyond the medication's effect. In a personalized coaching program, we apply the four Contextual Healing themes to your pain medication. Using medication as a tool, you will regain confidence in your body's pain-relieving capabilities.

4 sessions over 4 months

The program begins with a free introductory intake, followed by four substantive sessions spread across four months. For additional support, we also offer an optional follow-up session six months after completing the program.

Medication and Pain Education

We recognize the importance of education as an intervention for persistent pain, as recommended by official guidelines. However, it's noteworthy that less than 4% of patients have received this education. Therefore, education is a crucial component of our treatment program. We aim to provide our patients with comprehensive pain and medication knowledge, enabling them to gain better insight into their situation and recovery.

Professional workbooks

Between sessions, clients actively engage with their medication ritual using our four professional workbooks. These workbooks include education, application questions, challenging assignments, and brain exercises. This hands-on approach enhances the learning process and contributes to a more effective ritual for potent pain medication.

Behavioral Psychology

In our pursuit of making medication more effective, we recognize that behavioral change plays a crucial role, especially in altering our medication ritual. However, we understand that changing behavior is easier said than done. Therefore, we place special emphasis on behavioral psychology insights in your treatment program.

Our approach to changing the brain requires dedication, time, and willpower from both our clients and our team. We encourage potential clients to self-assess if the current moment is right for such a journey. We hope you understand that timing is crucial for a successful experience, and it might not be ideal at the moment, but could be in the future. When the time is right, schedule an obligation-free intake.

Ontdek hoe gebruikers bij Pain-Changer zelf bepalen hoeveel waarde ze hechten aan de online medicatie coaching. Een flexibel betalingssysteem dat de gebruiker de vrijheid geeft om de waarde van de geboden diensten zelf te bepalen.
Standard price: €400

Determine afterwards what you found the program to be worth.

Our goal is to make the Pain-Changer medication program accessible to everyone. Therefore, we employ a flexible payment system. The standard price for this treatment is 400 euros, but we believe in the value of the experience. After completing the program, you are free to determine what you find it worth. If your assessment differs from our standard price, we will refund the difference.

Other Options for Medication Support

If you prefer group dynamics or digital support without personal contact, our other medication support services, such as Groups or the Mobile App, may offer a better solution.

Coaching (€400)

  • Personal: One-on-One Program

  • Consisting of four online sessions (total 5 months)

  • Clients receive coaching on knowledge and skills to enhance the effectiveness of pain medication.

  • Dynamic workbooks for in-between sessions

  • Designed for lasting pain relief

Groups (€250 p.p)

  • Collective Learning in Our Learning Community

  • Collaboration to understand and manage medication

  • Consisting of four sessions (total 5 months)

  • Can be conducted online or on-site

  • Dynamic workbooks for in-between sessions

  • Designed for lasting pain relief

Mobile Application (free)

  • Free mobile app available in the App Store from fall 2024

  • Includes education, brain exercises, challenges, and more

  • Utilize a professional pain monitor to track results instantly

  • Accessible support for pain management anytime

Zorgverleners, krijg toegang tot effectieve pijncoaching. Laat de gegevens van uw patiënten achter en start hun reis naar pijnverlichting bij Pain-Changer.

Referral Healthcare Provider

Refer your client here for pain medication coaching, and we'll take care of the rest.

Thanks for signing up!

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