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Contextual Healing Test

A short questionnaire to investigate whether the Pain-Changer method can activate your internal pharmacy. Want to know more?  

Visualiseert de invloed van Contextual Healing op hersenactiviteit voor betere pijnverlichting
Twee staafdiagrammen die overzichtelijk weergeven hoe het effect van pijnmedicatie kan worden vergroot. Door het Contextual Healing aandeel te vergroten neemt het totaal effect van pijnmedicatie toe.

Pain medication effectiveness varies

One of the ways to reduce pain is to increase the effectiveness of pain medication. This can be done by increasing the Contextual Healing share of pain medication (right bar chart), which increases the total effect. The medication is, as it were, an upgrade.

However, doctors noticed that the strength of this upgrade varies from person to person. For example, they saw that some people experience more pain relief than others while receiving the same drug. 

One produces more natural painkillers than the other

To explain this difference, biological parameters were examined. Using brain scans, scientists noticed that the brain regions responsible for modulating pain were more active in a number of patients. As well as the brain region where endorphins, or natural painkillers, are produced. 

Blood tests then confirmed the brain scans; in some patients a significantly higher presence of natural painkillers was found in the blood. The conclusion is that these people respond more strongly to Contextual Healing.

analyseren hersenscans. Op de hersennscans is te zien dat bij sommige patienten bepaalde hersengebieden die staan voor het moduleren van pijn en het produceren van natuurlijke pijnstillers, meer actief waren. Dit geeft aan dat de een gevoeliger is voor Contextual Healing dan de ander.
Een sessie waarin de persoonlijkheid van een persoon wordt uitgevraagd. Aan de hand van deze persoonlijkheid kan worden voorspeld of iemand vatbaar is voor het Contextual Healing effect.

A Contextual Healing personality

As you might imagine, it is quite difficult to find out online if you belong to these people. This is because we cannot measure the amount of natural painkillers in your blood via an online test.

A study ofZubieta (2013)however offers a solution. This scientist discovered that those who enjoyed an extra strong Contextual Healing effect had similar personality traits. 
And these can be mapped out via an online questionnaire.


Based on your personality, we can therefore predict whether your personality is suitable for Contextual Healing and whether the Pain-Changer method will work for you. 

Schermafbeelding 2020-09-15 om 12.29.55.

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