Kom meer te weten over de de Pain-Changer benadering. Hier vind je wetenschappelijke verdieping op theorie, oefeningen op pijn te managen, inspirerende (heling)verhalen en nieuws.

Evidence-Based Solutions
In all our products and services at Pain-Changer, we exclusively rely on evidence-based solutions. We utilize high-quality, peer-reviewed studies and integrate insights from various scientific disciplines, including medicine, neuropsychology, immunology, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and more.

At Pain-Changer Training, we educate healthcare professionals in the application of the Contextual Healing method. Our focus is on understanding the placebo effect and other brain insights. This training empowers healthcare professionals to effectively integrate holistic approaches into their practice.

Pain-Changer Placebos
Pain-Changer offers patients, healthcare providers, and research institutions the opportunity to work with our honest placebos.
Scientific research demonstrates the effectiveness of placebos in pain treatment, even without deception. This provides patients the chance to explore these placebos in a transparent and ethical manner. As a result, patients have the opportunity to personally discover the influence of their thoughts, emotions, and rituals on managing their pain experience.